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Search results for chi,538 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,538
Translated headword: color, musical modulation, chromatic scale
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This means what exists in bodies, such as 'white', 'black', and the intermediates to these. It also means what exists in tunes, for in music there is something that is named 'color' or 'chromatic scale' as well. They maintain, in effect, that the three tunes of singing are harmonic, which they peculiarly call 'chromatic scales', the one of the soft or effeminate chromatic scale, and the one of the diatonic scale. They are different: some correspond to the color existing in bodies, such as what is dispersing and compressing the eye; others correspond to what exists in tunes. [The term] 'color' [in the sense of] 'chromatic scale' is homonymous, for [it means] what consists of a semitone, what consists of quarter-tones and what is soft or effeminate.[1]
Diodorus [writes]: 'while being flogged, the barbarian endured with his unmoved sight and his color like a beast.'[2]
Greek Original:*xrw=ma: tou=to shmai/nei to\ e)n toi=s sw/masin, w(s to\ leuko\n kai\ to\ me/lan kai\ ta\ tou/twn metacu/: shmai/nei kai\ to\ e)n toi=s me/lesi: le/getai ga/r ti kai\ kata\ mousikh\n xrw=ma: tri/a ga\r me/lh th=s melw|di/as a(rmonikoi\ ei)=nai/ fasin, a(\s i)di/ws xro/as kalou=si, th/n te tou= malakou= xrw/matos kai\ th\n tou= diatonikou= xrw/matos. kai\ ei)si\ diaforai/, a)/llai me\n tou= e)n toi=s sw/masi xrw/matos, w(s to\ sugkritiko\n kai\ diakritiko\n o)/yews, a)/llai de\ tou= e)n toi=s me/lesi: to\ ga\r h(mitoniai=on kai\ diesiai=on kai\ to\ malako/n, o(mw/numon. *dio/dwros: o( de\ ba/rbaros mastizo/menos, o)/mma e)/xwn a)/trepton kai\ xrw=ma kaqa/per qhri/on e)karte/rei.
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; historiography; history; imagery; meter and music; philosophy; zoology
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 8 November 2002@18:39:23.
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