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Search results for chi,509 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,509
Translated headword: chrestai
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] moneylenders. [But the term] chrestai [can mean] both the lender and the borrower.[1]
Aristophanes calls the moneylenders chrestai;[2] for whereas common usage calls chrestai those who owe the debts, Athenians say chrestai for the moneylenders and 'debtors' for those who owe the debts. But
Phocylides, in accordance with common usage, calls the debtors chrestai, when he says: "avoid a man who is a bad creditor, lest he repent of giving you [money] and demand it back at an inconvenient time".[3]
Greek Original:*xrh=stai: daneistai/. *xrh/sths kai\ o( danei/zwn kai\ o( daneizo/menos. o( de\ *)aristofa/nhs xrh/stas tou\s daneista\s le/gei: h( me\n ga\r sunh/qeia tou\s xrewfeile/tas xrh/stas kalei=: *)aqhnai=oi de\ tou\s me\n daneista\s xrh/stas le/gousin, tou\s de\ o)feile/tas xrewfeile/tas. *fwkuli/dhs de\ kata\ th\n sunh/qeian tou\s xrewfeile/tas xrh/stas kalei=, le/gwn: xrh/stas kakou\s e)/mmenai a)ndro\s feu/gein mh/ ge a)nih/seie didou/s, para\ kairo\n a)paite/wn.
[1] See also
chi 510,
chi 511.
Clouds 240 (see web address 1), with scholion.
[3] For this quotation see under
alpha 2966. Here, as we see, it is confusingly deployed. Perhaps read
para for
kata ("in contravention of common usage")?
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; poetry
Translated by: David Whitehead on 6 September 2002@10:23:22.
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