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Adler number: chi,500
Translated headword: use
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Use" [xrh=sis] is said [to be] the service of some useful things, but "useful" [xrh/sima] is said particularly of the instruments of good things. So of these, the uses [are] preferred, and [useful things] themselves are preferred; for if the use of wealth is preferred to the use of strength, then wealth [is] preferred to strength.
Greek Original:*xrh=sis. xrh=sis le/getai tw=n xrhsi/mwn tino\s xrei/a, xrh/sima de\ le/getai tw=n a)gaqw=n i)di/ws ta\ o)rganika/. w(=n ou)=n ai( xrh/seis ai(retw/terai, kai\ au)ta\ ai(retw/tera: ei) ga\r h( xrh=sis tou= plou/tou th=s xrh/sews th=s i)sxu/os ai(retwte/ra, kai\ o( plou=tos i)sxu/os ai(retw/teros.
Keywords: definition; economics; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 5 April 2008@04:50:09.
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