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Search results for chi,479 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,479
Translated headword: to gain, to make a profit
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to make money [xrh/mata]. But if someone should say the word in the active voice, xrhmati/zei, it no longer means the same thing, but [it means] "to conduct business"; as we say, "the council and the people are conducting business", like "[he] is devoted to business matters". From this [verb comes] xrh/mata ["affairs"], [meaning] business.
Greek Original:*xrhmati/zesqai: xrh/mata pra/ttesqai. e)a\n de/ tis ei)/ph| th\n le/cin e)nerghtikw=s xrhmati/zei, ou)ke/ti to\ au)to\ dhloi=, a)lla\ to\ pra/gmasi xrh=sqai: oi(=on fame/n, xrhmati/zei h( boulh\ kai\ o( dh=mos: oi(=on pra/gmasi sxola/zei. a)f' ou(= xrh/mata, ta\ pra/gmata.
chi 480. See also the
scholia to
Laws 12.949E (web address 1), where the subjunctive form
xrhmati/zhtai appears.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: constitution; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; philosophy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 5 April 2008@00:51:59.
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