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Search results for chi,477 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,477
Translated headword: money money (is the) man but a pauper (is) never noble
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial saying] in reference to those who are successful due to wealth.[1] Aristodemos says [this]. And
Alcaeus mentions
Aristodemus: "for as Aristodamos once in
Sparta", he says, "spoke a speech that was not helpless: 'money, money;' and so forth."[2]
And elsewhere
Aristophanes [writes]: "I don't know what the affair [
xrh=ma] is doing to me. -- So consider: while it is possible for you and all these men to be rich, [you are somehow hemmed in] by those who are always catering to the masses."[3]
Sophocles [writes]: "'what matter [
xrh=ma] do you attend to, Ajax? Why do you set out on this attempt neither summoned by messengers nor hearing any trumpet? In fact, the whole army is sleeping now.' But he said curtly to me, 'Woman, silence is an ornament for women.' And I understood and stopped; but he rushed out alone."[4]
Greek Original:*xrh/mata xrh/mat' a)nh/r, penixro\s d' ou)de/pot' e)sqlo/s: e)pi\ tw=n dia\ plou=ton eu)hmerou/ntwn. *)aristo/dhmo/s fhsi. me/mnh- tai tou= *)aristodh/mou kai\ *)alkai=os: w(s ga\r dh/ pot' *)aristo/damon fasi\n e)n *spa/rta| ou)k a)pa/lamnon lo/gon ei)pei=n, xrh/mata, xrh/mata: kai\ ta\ e(ch=s. kai\ au)=qis *)aristofa/nhs: ou)k oi)=d' o(/ ti xrh=ma/ me poiei=s. ske/yai toi/nun, w(s e)co/n soi ploutei=n kai\ toi=sin a(/pasin u(po\ tw=n a)ei\ dhmizo/ntwn. *sofoklh=s: ti/ xrh=ma dra=|s, *ai)=an; ti/ tw=|d' a)/klhtos ou)d' u(p' a)gge/lwn klhqei\s a)forma=|s pei=ran, ou)/te tou klu/wn sa/lpiggos; a)lla\ nu=n ge pa=s eu(/dei strato/s. o( d' ei)=pe pro/s me baia/, a)ei\ d' u(mnou/mena, gu/nai, gunaici\ ko/smon h( sigh\ fe/rei. ka)gw\ maqou=s' e)/lhca: o( d' e)ssu/qh mo/nos.
The first part of the headword phrase -- again at
chi 478 -- appears in
Isthmians 2.17 (web address 1), but the whole phrase is a version of
Alcaeus fr. 360 Lobel-Page, of which a summary version is given below.
[1] cf.
Apostolius 18.32 and other paroemiographers, and see generally Tosi [cited under
alpha 378] no.1783.
[2] A summary of
Alcaeus fr. 360 Lobel-Page. The material from the beginning of the entry to this point is taken from the
scholia to
Isthmians 2.17 (cf. above).
Wasps 697-9 (web address 2); see also
pi 1450. This quotation and the one from
Sophocles which follow seem to be tenuously connected with the rest of the entry. The only association is that they contain instances of the word
xrh=ma (see
chi 473,
chi 474, and
chi 475) of which
xrh/mata ("money") is the plural.
Ajax 288-294 (web address 3). Tecmessa is speaking. See also
beta 210,
omicron 970, and
pi 1450.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; military affairs; poetry; politics; proverbs; tragedy; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 5 April 2008@00:18:29.
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