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Search results for chi,474 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,474
Translated headword: thing; matter
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning an] affair.
"A great and marvelous thing [is] a man [whose] mind is duly suited by his constitution from the outset to whatever he sets out to do within [the bounds] of human limitations."[1]
And elsewhere: "[one could] compare the thing to a great herd of cows." The phrase [is] about barbarian troop-marshalling.[2]
Herodotus [writes]: "the matter of the storm was unbearable."[3]
Aristophanes [writes]: "how long the matter of nights is!"[4] [This means] the length, the stretch. It was customary for the Attic [speakers] to use a logical sequence, like "a horse is a rare thing", "a woman is an evil thing". And [they apply this] to other things similarly, however they wish to exaggerate.
"He was not rich in things, nor did he have as many [things] as would have been sufficient for another to lead a life of bare necessity."[5]
Greek Original:*xrh=ma: pra=gma. me/ga ti xrh=ma kai\ qauma/sion, a)nh\r kai\ yuxh\ deo/ntws a(rmosqei=sa kata\ th\n e)c a)rxh=s su/stasin, pro\s o(/ ti a)\n o(rmh/sh| tw=n e)c a)rxh=s e)/rgwn. kai\ au)=qis: ei)ka/zein a)\n bow=n a)ge/lh| megi/sth| to\ xrh=ma. peri\ barbarikh=s parata/cews o( lo/gos. *(hro/dotos: h)=n te tou= xeimw=nos xrh=ma a)fo/rhton. *)aristofa/nhs: to\ xrh=ma tw=n nuktw=n o(/son. to\ me/geqos, to\ e)/ktama. e)/qos de\ toi=s *)attikoi=s e)pagwgh=| xrh=sqai, oi(=on i(/ppos spa/nio/n ti xrh=ma: gunh\ kako/n ti xrh=ma. kai\ e)pi\ tw=n a)/llwn o(moi/ws, w(=n a)\n e)cai/rein bou/lwntai. o( de\ xrhma/twn ou)k h)=n eu)/poros, ou)de\ o(/sa a)\n e)ch/rkesen e(te/rw| pro\s th\n tou= a)nagkai/ou bi/ou diagwgh/n, ou)de\ tosau=ta kekthme/nos.
For this headword (and primary gloss) see already
chi 474.
Polybius 9.22.6 (web address 1), where
a)nqrwpi/nwn e)/rgwn has become the Suda's
e)c a)rxh=s e)/rgwn, an obvious scribal error. (Incorrectly attributed to
Damascius, as
Life of Isidore fr. 285 Asmus; cf. n. 5 below.)
[2] Despite this helpful gloss, the quotation is unidentifiable.
Herodotus 7.188.3 (web address 2).
Clouds 2 (web address 3); what follows in this entry is from the
scholia to this line. See also
alpha 3035.
Aelian fr. 315a Domingo-Forasté (318 Hercher). Or, "rich in money." (Formerly attributed to
Damascius, as
Life of Isidore fr. 167 Asmus.)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; rhetoric; women; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 5 April 2008@18:04:20.
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