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Search results for chi,473 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,473
Translated headword: matter; thing
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning an] issue, or possession, wealth, substance, income.[1]
"The little house was gloomy and misshapen and in the summer season particularly unsuitable, so that the thing seemed to be a prison."[2]
And elsewhere: "[the chamberlain] quaked and stormed in every respect to such an extent that Salmoneus of myth seemed a little thing compared to him."[3]
Julian [writes]: "we ran about the Hercynian forest and I saw an extraordinary thing. Therefore, taking heart, I promise you I never saw such a thing nor do we know so many things in the [land] of the Romans, but whether someone thinks Thessalian
Tempe was impassible or the land in Thermopylae, or great and enormous Tauros, let it be [considered] trifling in terms of difficulty when compared to the name "Hercynian"."[4]
Eunapius [writes]: "he mustered his strength, urging on the matter of passage and forcing himself even though he did not have a body [to match] his good spirit."[5]
Greek Original:*xrh=ma: pra=gma, h)\ kth=ma, plou=tos, ou)si/a, lh=mma. to\ de\ dw- ma/tion zofw=des h)=n kai\ a)diatu/pwton kai\ w(/ra| qe/rous e)s ta\ ma/lista a)narmo/dion, w(s dokei=n ei)=nai to\ xrh=ma ei(rkth/n. kai\ au)=qis: o( de\ kate/seisen a(/panta kai\ katebro/nthsen e)s tosou=ton, w(/ste o( tou= mu/qou *salmwneu\s mikro/n ti xrh=ma pro\s au)to\n h)=n. *)iouliano/s: peri\ th\n *(erkuni/an u(/lhn e)qe/omen, kai\ ei)=don e)gw\ xrh=ma e)cai/sion. i)dou\ gou=n soi qarrw=n e)gw\ e)gguw=mai mh/pote w)=fqai toiou=ton mhde\ o(/sa ge i)/smen h(mei=s e)n th=| *(rwmai/wn, a)ll' ei)/te ta\ *qettalika\ *te/mph du/sbata nomi/zei tis, ei)/te ta\ e)n *qermopu/lais, ei)/te to\n me/gan kai\ diwlu/gion *tau=ron, e)la/xiston e)/stw xalepo/thtos e(/neka pro\s to\ *(erku/nion tou)/noma. kai\ *eu)na/pio/s fhsin: o( de\ ta\s duna/meis h)/qroise, to\ xrh=ma th=s diaba/sews e)pispe/rxwn h)/dh kai\ sumbiazo/menos kai\ plh\n a)gaqh=s yuxh=s sw=ma ou)k e)/xwn.
R.C. Blockley, ed. and trans., The History of Menander the Guardsman, (Cambridge 1985)
J.R. Martindale, The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, vol. IIIb, (Cambridge, 1992)
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; economics; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; mythology; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 4 April 2008@05:30:58.
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