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Search results for chi,465 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,465
Translated headword: service
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] function, providence.[1]
"When he recovered from the wound, he supposed he would provide true service to his country's affairs."[2]
Also [sc. attested is] a proverb: "Service, even if it is uninspired, teaches the wise man."[3] A Carthaginian [sentiment?].[4] That is, those who practice the intelligence made possible by the opportunity.
Greek Original:*xrei/a: u(po/qesis, pro/noia. o( de\ u(pela/mbanen u(giasqei\s e)k tou= trau/matos a)lhqinh\n pare/xesqai xrei/an toi=s koinoi=s pra/gmasi. kai\ paroimi/a: *xrei/a dida/skei, ka)\n a)/mousos h)=|, sofo/n. *karxhdo/nion. toute/stin e)ndexome/nhn e)k tou= kairou= poihsa/menoi th\n e)pi/noian.
[1] Adler notes Kuster's proposal to emend the second glossing term here from
pronoia to
penia 'poverty', and Bernhardy's rejection of the proposal.
Polybius 3.70.5 (web address 1), on Scipio. See further below, n.4.
Euripides fr.715; Arsenius 18.41e.
[4] The transmitted
*karxhdo/nion is opaque as it stands. Adler's apparatus notes A. Meineke's proposed emendation to
*karxhdoni/w|, i.e. in
Menander's comedy of that name. Alternatively (and preferably?), as Bernhardy suggested, 'Carthaginian' is a displaced gloss on Scipio's wound (for which cf.
Polybius 3.66.2 & 9, 3.68.6).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; historiography; history; medicine; politics; proverbs; tragedy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 4 April 2008@00:46:02.
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