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Search results for chi,458 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,458
Translated headword: need
Vetting Status: high
Translation: It is said [to derive] from the [adjective]
xreiw=des ["needful"].[1]
[The forms]
xre/os and
xreiw/ [appear] in
Aristophanes: "you wretch, what need do you have of this wicker-work?" He means "of [this] basket".[2]
Greek Original:*xre/os: para\ to\ xreiw=des le/getai. *xre/os kai\ h( xreiw\ para\ *)aristofa/nei: ti/ d', w)= ta/las, tou=d' e)/xh| tou= ple/kous xre/os; le/gei de\ spuri/dos.
For another sense of this headword see
chi 459.
[1] Likewise in other lexica.
Acharnians 454 (web address 1 below), with scholion; cf.
delta 571.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 3 April 2008@19:39:14.
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