Search results for chi,454 in Adler number:
Headword: *xreme/ths Adler number: chi,454 Translated headword: Chremetes Vetting Status: high Translation:
Name of a river.
Greek Original:
*xreme/ths: o)/noma potamou=.
Rising in the mountains of Ethiopia and flowing "into the outer sea" (ei)s th\n e)/cw... qa/lattan: Aristotle, Meteorologica 350b13). Other references (Olympiodoros, Commentary on Aristotle's Meteorologica p.105 [Stueve]; Basil, Homilies 3.6) are derived from Aristotle, but see also Nonnus, Dionysiaca 13.374 & 380, 31.103.
William Hutton (Modified note, set status) on 13 July 2003@04:50:14. David Whitehead (typo and other cosmetics) on 14 June 2004@06:56:40. David Whitehead (Greek typo; expanded note; another keyword) on 8 August 2011@05:45:52. David Whitehead on 13 November 2013@04:12:05. David Whitehead (codings; more keywords) on 1 June 2016@05:55:09.