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Adler number: chi,418
Translated headword: Chosroes, Khosrau, Khosraw
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The Persians' king. "They praise him and they wonder at his merit -- not [only] the Persians, but even some of the Romans -- since (they say) he was a lover of literature and came to mastery of our philosophy, when the Greek writings had been translated for him into the Persian language by someone. And therefore they say that he gulped down all of the Stageirite[1] even more eagerly than the Paeanian did the son of Oloros,[2] and was totally obsessed with the teachings of
Plato the son of Ariston[3] and nor could the
Timaeus[4] elude him, even though it is very much embellished with geometrical speculation and investigates the movements of nature, and neither could the
Phaedo[5] or the
Gorgias[6] [elude him], nor indeed did any other of the sophisticated and more difficult dialogues, like the
Parmenides.[7] But I,"
Agathias says, "would never have believed that he had such an excellent education and this consummate attainment. For how would it have been possible for that purity of ancient words, free and suited and completely fit to the nature of things to have been preserved in a unrefined and discordant language? How could a man who was exalted[8] from childhood by royal pomp and a great deal of flattery, who had a very barbaric[9] lifestyle, who was always on the lookout for wars and conspiracies, how could a man who was set on such a course of life [be supposed] to derive enjoyment from and be trained in these teachings? Therefore, if one should praise him, although he was a king and a Persian, concerned with so many peoples and matters, because he nevertheless desired to enjoy literature somehow or other and to be exalted in his reputation for these things,[10] then even I myself would praise the man and consider him greater than the other barbarians. But as many as go too far in calling him 'wise' and all but superior to those who ever practiced philosophy anywhere, [saying] that he knew the principles and causes of every art and discipline ... those men would be caught straying far from the truth and following only the rumour of the masses."
Greek Original:*xosro/hs: o( *persw=n basileu/s. u(mnou=sin au)to\n kai\ a)/gantai pe/ra th=s a)ci/as mh\ o(/ti oi( *pe/rsai, a)lla\ kai\ e)/nioi tw=n *(rwmai/wn, w(s lo/gwn e)rasth\n kai\ filosofi/as th=s par' h(mi=n e)s a)/kron e)lqo/nta, metabeblhme/nwn au)tw=| u(po/ tou e)s th\n *persi/da fwnh\n tw=n *(ellhnikw=n suggramma/twn. kai\ toi/nun fasi/n, o(/ti dh\ o(/lon to\n *stageiri/thn katapiw\n ei)/h ma=llon h)\ o( r(h/twr o( *paianieu\s to\n *)olw/rou, tw=n te *pla/twnos tou= *)ari/stwnos a)nape/plhstai dogma/twn, kai\ ou)/te o( *ti/maios au)to\n a)podra/seien a)/n, ei) kai\ sfo/dra grammikh=| qewri/a| pepoi/kiltai, kai\ ta\s th=s fu/sews a)nixneu/ei kinh/seis, ou)/te o( *fai/dwn ou)/te o( *gorgi/as, ou)menou=n ou)de\ a)/llos tis tw=n glafurw=n kai\ a)gkulwte/rwn dialo/gwn, o(poi=os o( *parmeni/dhs. e)gw\ de/, fhsi\n *)agaqi/as, ou(/tws au)to\n a)/rista e)/xein paidei/as, kai\ tau=ta th=s a)krota/ths, ou)k a)/n pote oi)hqei/hn. pw=s me\n ga\r oi(=o/n te h)=n to\ a)kraifne\s e)kei=no tw=n palaiw=n o)noma/twn, e)leuqe/rion kai\ pro/s ge th=| tw=n pragma/twn fu/sei pro/sforo/n te kai\ e)pikairo/taton, a)gri/a| tini\ glw/tth| kai\ a)mousota/th| a)poswqh=nai; pw=s de\ a)nh\r basilei/w| tu/fw| e)k pai/dwn kai\ kolakei/a| pollh=| gegannume/nos di/aita/n te laxw\n e)s o(/ti baruta/thn kai\ pro\s pole/mous a)ei\ kai\ parata/ceis o(rw=san, pw=s dh\ ou)=n w(=de biou\s e)/melle me/ga ti kai\ lo/gou a)/cion e)n toi=sde a)po/nasqai toi=s dida/gmasi kai\ e)naskhqh=nai; ei) me\n ou)=n e)painoi/h tis au)to/n, o(/ti dh\ basileu/s ge w)\n kai\ *pe/rshs, e)qnw=n te tosou/twn kai\ pra/cewn me/lon au)tw=|: o( de\ e)fi/eto gou=n o(/mws a)mhge/ph a)pogeu/esqai lo/gwn, kai\ th=| peri\ tau=ta ga/nnusqai do/ch|: cunepaine/saimi a)\n kai\ e)/gwge to\n a)/ndra kai\ mei/zona qei/hn tw=n a)/llwn barba/rwn. o(/soi de\ li/an au)to\n sofo\n a)pokalou=si kai\ mononouxi\ tou\s o(/poi pote\ pefilosofhko/tas u(perballo/menon, w(s kai\ a(pa/shs te/xnhs te kai\ e)pisth/mhs ta\s a)rxa\s kai\ ai)ti/as diaginw/skein, e)kei=noi a)\n ma/lista fwraqei=en ou) tw=n a)lhqw=n e)stoxasme/noi, mo/nh| de\ th=| tw=n pollw=n e(po/menoi fh/mh|.
Chosroes I (Persian
Anushirvan), the twentieth Sassanid king of Persia who ruled 531-579; cf. PLRE IIIa s.v. Chosroes I Anoushirvan. The bulk of this entry, after the initial gloss, quotes
Histories 2.28; cf. Frendo (62-63).
On his grandson, Chosroes II, king of Persia 590-628, see PLRE IIIa s.v. Chosroes II Parwez.
Aristotle (
alpha 3929), who was from Stageira (
sigma 977).
[2] That is,
Demosthenes (
delta 454,
delta 455) and
Thucydides (
theta 414). The influence of
Thucydides' style on
Demosthenes is readily apparent.
[3] For
Plato see
pi 1707.
Plato's dialogues generally take their names from the man whom Socrates interrogates.
Timaeus was a mathematician and philosopher of the Pythagorean school: see
tau 601. The dialogue contains discussions of the order and laws of the physical universe and on the ultimate unknowability of the gods.
[5] Phaedo was a pupil of Socrates: see
phi 154. The dialogue recounts the last hours of Socrates' life and his beliefs about the transmigration of souls.
Gorgias of
Leontinoi was a rhetor, often called a "sophist": see
gamma 388. The dialogue sees Socrates arguing that the power of rhetoric creates belief without supporting knowledge.
Parmenides was a disciple of one of the Ionian schools: see
pi 675. The dialogue sees Socrates and
Parmenides debating the existence of Platonic Forms.
[8] The text of
Agathias has
geganwme/nos; the Suda substitutes
[9] The text of
Agathias has
barbarikwta/thn ("barbaric"); the Suda substitutes
baruta/thn ("serious").
[10] Quoted also at
mu 533.
J.R. Martindale, The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, vol. IIIa, (Cambridge, 1992)
J.D. Frendo, trans., Agathias: The Histories, (Berlin 1975)
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; mathematics; military affairs; philosophy; politics; rhetoric; science and technology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 3 April 2008@05:00:21.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, added keyword, set status) on 3 April 2008@11:41:35.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaked note numbers and other cosmetics) on 4 April 2008@03:09:05.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, added cross-reference) on 14 May 2009@11:54:42.
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaking) on 12 November 2013@08:35:23.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 19 February 2015@00:47:12.
Ronald Allen (added bibliography; fixed cross-reference n.1, added cross-reference) on 8 October 2023@20:32:05.
Ronald Allen (augmented principal note) on 6 February 2025@11:33:19.
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