Suda On Line
Search results for chi,414 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,414
Translated headword: he is grieved at the choruses of the tragedians
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In reference to those who are hungry; on the basis that they [sc. the tragedians] are far from it.
Aristophanes [writes]: "then [if someone], hungry, were grieved at the choruses of the tragedians, he would fly off, go home and have a meal."
Greek Original:*xoroi=si tw=n tragw|diw=n a)/xqetai: e)pi\ tw=n peinw/ntwn: w(s makrw=n o)/ntwn tou/twn. *)aristofa/nhs: ei)=ta peinw=n toi=s xoroi=s tw=n tragw|diw=n h)/xqeto, e)kpeto/menos a)\n ou(=tos h)ri/sthsen, e)lqw\n oi)/kade.
Birds 787-788 (web address 1: the Suda's
e)kpeto/menos needs for metrical reasons to be
e)kto/menos), immediately preceded by an explanation from the
scholia to 787. The rephrasing and presentation of this quotation as a proverb is not, however, reflected either in the
scholia or in the paroemiographers.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; economics; food; imagery; meter and music; proverbs; stagecraft; tragedy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 2 April 2008@04:40:11.
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