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Search results for chi,408 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,408
Translated headword: I grant a chorus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The equivalent of being in good repute and winning; for in
Athens not all poets of tragedy and comedy came by a chorus but [only] those who were in good repute and had proved worthy after scrutiny.
Greek Original:*xoro\n di/dwmi: e)n i)/sw| tw=| eu)dokimei=n kai\ nika=n: para\ ga\r toi=s *)aqhnai/ois xorou= e)tu/gxanon kwmw|di/as kai\ tragw|di/as poihtai/, ou) pa/ntes, a)lla\ oi( eu)dokimou=ntes kai\ dokimasqe/ntes a)/cioi.
From the
scholia to
Republic 383C (and
Laws 817D), where the idiom is used.
See generally A.W. Pickard-Cambridge,
The Dramatic Festivals of Athens (edn.2, revised by J.P.A. Gould and D.M. Lewis, Oxford 1988) 84 #23.
Keywords: comedy; definition; ethics; history; meter and music; philosophy; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 30 April 2003@06:16:22.
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