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Search results for chi,35 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,35
Translated headword: Chalkeia, Bronzes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An ancient [sc. Athenian] festival popular long ago, but subsequently observed by the craftsmen only, because Hephaestus worked bronze in Attica. It is on the last day of [the] month Pyanepsion;[1] also the day when priestesses, together with the arrephoroi, set the warp on the loom [for] the peplos [of Athena].
Greek Original:*xalkei=a: e(orth\ a)rxai/a kai\ dhmw/dhs pa/lai, u(/steron de\ u(po\ mo/nwn h)/geto tw=n texnitw=n, o(/ti o( *(/hfaistos e)n th=| *)attikh=| xalko\n ei)rga/sato. e)/sti de\ e(/nh| kai\ ne/a| tou= *puaneyiw=nos: e)n h(=| kai\ i(e/reiai meta\ tw=n a)rrhfo/rwn to\n pe/plon dia/zontai.
H.W. Parke, Festivals of the Athenians (1977) 38-9, 93
Keywords: aetiology; chronology; clothing; definition; mythology; religion; science and technology; trade and manufacture; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 25 November 2001@11:20:40.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth on 6 September 2002@01:21:40.
David Whitehead (added note and keywords; cosmetics) on 6 September 2002@03:12:14.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 5 August 2011@08:42:31.
David Whitehead (corrected my translation error, noticed by Prof Allaire Stallsmith; added bibliography) on 12 August 2020@03:12:21.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 16 April 2023@00:21:15.
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