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Adler number: chi,349
Translated headword: greenwood-men
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] robbers, who lie in ambush in the greenwood [
xloh=|].[1] Also [sc. attested in the singular] "greenwood", [meaning] solitary, violent, wicked, difficult.[2]
And the eunuch. "A castrated and androgynous man (if we should grant that he be a man), one who is enfeebled in soul through the study of
Epicurus and has become womanish. Having borne a torch before Stratocles in
Athens, a eunuch and a she-male, bewitched and bound as if in an unbreakable chain."[3]
Greek Original:*xlou=nai: lwpodu/tai, oi( e)n th=| xlo/h| eu)nazo/menoi. kai\ *xlou/nhs, monio/s, plh/kths, kakou=rgos, xalepo/s. kai\ o( a)po/kopos. xlou/nhs kai\ gu/nandros a)nh/r [ei) doi/hmen au)to\n a)/ndra ei)=nai] dia\ tw=n *)epikou/rou lo/gwn th\n yuxh\n e)kneurisqei\s kai\ qh=lus geno/menos. o( pro\ *stratokle/ous *)aqh/nhsi da|douxh/sas, o( xlou/nhs te kai\ gu/nnis, katagohteuqei\s kai\ oi(=on e)n desmw=| tini a)fu/ktw| pedhqei/s.
[1] Likewise in
Hesychius; similarly in Apollonius'
Homeric Lexicon and elsewhere. The headword is nominative plural of the noun
xlou/nhs. It is evidently quoted from somewhere, but the gloss does not fit the obvious place (Hesiod,
Shield of Heracles 177, on boars).
[2] The word
xlou/nhs is often used as an epithet of the wild boar (presumably referring to the location of his lair). See also the
scholia to
Iliad 9.539 (web address 1), where
xlou/nhn, the accusative singular of the headword, appears.
Aelian fr. 10b Domingo-Forasté (10 Hercher); see already
gamma 504,
delta 6,
epsilon 512 and
epsilon 3604 which quote parts of this passage.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; imagery; medicine; philosophy; women; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 March 2008@21:49:42.
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