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Search results for chi,342 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,342
Translated headword: slime, sludge
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Demosthenes in the [speech]
Against Kallikles on Damage to a Plot [writes]: "and then throwing out the slime into the road, the result of which was that he made the road itself higher and narrower".[1] Slime is the word for a whole mass. And it is a sort of pile, particularly that of dross and refuse. Also the alluvial deposit of rivers, and more especially of torrents, which is also called silt. In the present passage the orator seems to be saying that Kallikles threw into the road a pile of soil and garden refuse from the plot; so he himself indicates in what follows.
Greek Original:*xli/dos: *dhmosqe/nhs e)n tw=| *pro\s *kallikle/a peri\ xwri/ou bla/bhs: e)/peita de\ to\ xli/dos e)kbalw\n ei)s th\n o(do/n, e)c w(=n u(yhlote/ran kai\ stenote/ran th\n au)th\n o(do\n pepoih=sqai sumbe/bhke. pa=n plh=qos xli/dos le/getai. kai/ e)stin oi(=on swro/s tis, ma/lista de\ to\ tw=n a)pokaqarma/twn te kai\ a)poyhma/twn. kai\ h( tw=n potamw=n pro/xwsis, kai\ polu\ ma=llon tw=n xeima/rrwn, o(\ kai\ xe/rados kalei=tai. nu=n d' e)/oiken o( r(h/twr le/gein, o(/ti xou=n kai\ fruganw/dh tina\ e)k tou= xwri/ou swro\n o( *kalliklh=s ei)s th\n o(do\n e)mbe/blhken: w(s kai\ au)to\s e)n toi=s e(ch=s u(poshmai/nei.
Abridged from Harpokration s.v.
Demosthenes 55.22 (web address 1), where (as again in Harpok.) the reading is
to\n xlh=don rather than the Suda's
to\ xli/dos.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; botany; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; law; rhetoric; science and technology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 December 2000@07:28:43.
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