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Search results for chi,338 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,338
Translated headword: scoffing
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A certain hybris, that which is a type of hybris.[1] And in the matter of what it is that is the predicate of [scoffing]: the type of hybris that comes about through ridicule is called "scoffing", but [the type that comes about] through blows is equivocally "hybris".[2]
And elsewhere
Aelian [writes]: "going about into the temple, scoffing, he jeered at the attendants of the god."[2]
Greek Original:*xleuasi/a: u(/bris tis, ei)=dos ou)=sa th=s u(/brews. kai\ e)n tw=| ti/ e)sti kathgorei=tai au)th=s: th=s ga\r u(/brews h( dia\ katage/lwtos ginome/nh xleuasi/a kalei=tai, h( de\ dia\ plhgw=n u(/bris o(mwnu/mws. kai\ au)=qis *ai)liano/s: perii+w\n de\ e)s to\n new/n, xleua/zwn ge mh\n tou\s qeou= qerapeuth=ras kai\ e)petw/qazen.
cf. generally
chi 337.
[1] cf.
Topica 7.144a6-8. See further, next note.
[2] Reckoned by Adler to come from 'from a fuller text' (
ex pleniore textu) of
Aristotle available to Alexander of
Aelian fr. 64g Domingo-Forasté (part of 61 Hercher); cf.
lambda 584.
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; historiography; history; law; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 March 2008@16:36:03.
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