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Search results for chi,328 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,328
Translated headword: earth-shaking thunderclaps
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Celebrate [his] earth-shaking thunderclaps". Meaning sing a hymn. "Earth-shaking" [meaning] frightening. For they trace the genealogy of all terrible things to the earth. But others [see this as thunderclaps] that bring about a loud rumble; or those coming from the earth; for when the earth rumbles, it sends the sound up into the sky, and men think that such thunderclaps come out of the sky; or [meaning] those that are heard near the earth, or those that shake the earth.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the nominative singular] 'earth-shaking thunderclap'.[2] Also [sc. attested is] 'Chthonios Zeus', [meaning] he who is below the earth.[3]
Greek Original:*xqoni/as bronta/s: klh/|sate xqoni/as bronta/s. a)nti\ tou= u(mnh/sate. xqoni/as de\ fobera/s. pa/nta ga\r ta\ deina\ gh=s genealogou=sin. oi( de\ ta\s me/gan h)=xon a)potelou/sas: h)\ ta\s a)po\ th=s gh=s ginome/nas: o(/te ga\r h)xei= h( gh=, a)nape/mpei to\n h)=xon ei)s to\n ou)rano/n, kai\ dokou=sin oi( a)/nqrwpoi e)c ou)ranou= gi/nesqai ta\s toiau/tas bronta/s: h)\ ta\s me/xri th=s gh=s a)kouome/nas, h)\ ta\s th\n gh=n kinou/sas. kai\ *xqo/nios bronth/. kai\ *xqo/nios *zeu/s, o( kataxqo/nios.
The headword phrase, accusative plural, is extracted from the quotation.
Birds 1745 (web address 1 below), with scholion.
[2] Comparably, according to Adler, in the
Ambrosian Lexicon (235). It is unclear whether this phrase is quoted from anywhere.
Oedipus at Colonus 1606. (For deities that are both chthonic and Olympian, see Burkert 199-202, 208.) See also
Hesychius and, according to Adler, the
Ambrosian Lexicon (233).
Walter Burkert. Greek Religion: Archaic and Classical. Oxford: 1985
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; meter and music; mythology; religion; science and technology; tragedy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 March 2008@03:37:46.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (modified tr; augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 30 March 2008@09:28:20.
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaking) on 12 November 2013@04:18:15.
David Whitehead (coding) on 1 June 2016@03:49:01.
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