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Search results for chi,311 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,311
Translated headword: Chilon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Genitive] Chilonos; son of Damagetos; a Lakedaimonian, one of the Seven Sages.
[The man] who was brief of speech. Hence
Aristagoras of Miletos called this manner [of speaking] Chilonian.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] 'Chilonian way',[2] [meaning] brevity of speech. For Chilon was brief of speech.
Greek Original:*xi/lwn, *xi/lwnos, *damagh/tou, *lakedaimo/nios, ei(=s tw=n e(pta\ sofw=n. o(\s h)=n braxulo/gos. o(/qen *)aristago/ras o( *milh/sios tou=ton to\n tro/pon *xilw/neion kalei=. kai\ *xilw/neios tro/pos, h( braxulogi/a. o( ga\r *xi/lwn braxulo/gos h)=n.
Chilon was an ephor in
Sparta c.556 BCE. The Suda is drawing on the material about him in
Diogenes Laertius 1.68-73, esp. 68 and 72. See also OCD(4) under 'Chilon' (p.310) and 'Seven Sages' (p.1357).
[1] For his famous visit to
Sparta (
Herodotus 5.49-51) cf.
omicroniota 91; see also
upsilon 306 on him.
[2] From Diog. Laert. (above); accusative case there.
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; history; proverbs; rhetoric
Translated by: Susan Shapiro on 9 July 1999@14:01:31.
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