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Search results for chi,3 in Adler number:
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Headword: *xaga/nos
Adler number: chi,3
Translated headword: Khagan, Khan
Vetting Status: high
"The Khagan was giving his oaths to the [winds] to carry and, lifting up the trumpet dear to war, he gathered his forces together."
Greek Original:
*xaga/nos: o( de\ *xaga/nos tou\s o(/rkous tai=s fe/rein e)di/dou a)qro/on te th\n pole/mw| fi/lhn a)ra/menos sa/lpigga ta\s duna/meis h)/qroize.
A quotation from Theophylact Simocatta, repeated inaccurately from alpha 4457.
For 'Chagan' (already chi 2) -- not a name but a title -- see under epsilon 134.
For trumpets see sigma 66, sigma 68.
Keywords: biography; constitution; historiography; history; military affairs; meter and music
Translated by: Roger Travis on 22 June 1999@15:07:51.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented note; added keywords) on 30 March 2001@06:51:25.
David Whitehead (added note and keywords) on 4 May 2003@07:34:01.
David Whitehead (modified headword and keywords; augmented note) on 30 November 2005@04:56:37.
David Whitehead on 5 August 2011@08:01:02.
David Whitehead on 7 November 2013@04:36:31.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule, tweak) on 10 April 2023@19:22:42.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 11 April 2023@00:37:38.
Ronald Allen (typo cross-reference) on 4 February 2025@11:55:15.


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