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Search results for chi,295 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,295
Translated headword: for lack
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] for a need, for a scarcity, for a deprivation.[1]
Agathias [writes]: "for lack of other suitable things they were pressing the clusters of grapes and they were filled with sweet new wine; whence their stomachs became distended and made a flux."[2]
Greek Original:*xh/tei: e)ndei/a|, spa/nei, sterh/sei. *)agaqi/as: oi( de\ xh/tei tw=n a)/llwn e)pithdei/wn e)/qlibon tou\s bo/truas kai\ e)neforou=nto tou= gleu/kous: e)/nqen au)toi=s h( gasth\r e)pi\ me/ga e)fe/reto kai\ die/rrei.
[1] Similarly in
Hesychius, the
scholia to
Iliad 19.324,
Lexicon haimodein 630.38,
Etymologicum Magnum 811.42. The headword, dative singular of
xh=tos, is probably extracted from
Homer, Iliad 6.463; cf. already
chi 294.
[2] Abridged from
Histories 44.3 (2.4 Niebuhr).
Keywords: botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; food; historiography; history; medicine
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 28 March 2008@22:56:48.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 30 March 2008@06:52:44.
David Whitehead (tweaked and expanded notes; another keyword) on 11 November 2013@07:36:06.
David Whitehead (coding etc.) on 1 June 2016@03:36:16.
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