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Headword: *xeirw/neion e(/lkos
Adler number: chi,269
Translated headword: Cheironian sore, Chironian sore
Vetting Status: high
A wound occurring in the feet from [sc. too] much standing, and continuously exuding serums. The proverb applies to intolerable and incurable sores.
Greek Original:
*xeirw/neion e(/lkos: to\ a)po\ pollh=s sta/sews e)n toi=s posi\ geno/menon trau=ma kai\ dihnekw=s i)xw=ras e)kkri=non. h( paroimi/a e)pi\ tw=n a)nhke/stwn kai\ a)nia/twn e(lkw=n.
Zenobius 6.46, and more briefly in other paroemiographers. For Ch(e)iron see chi 267. The sense of 'Cheironian' in the proverb is ambiguous: 'a sore like Cheiron's or needing his aid' (LSJ s.v.).
Keywords: daily life; medicine; mythology; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 29 April 2003@08:41:48.
Vetted by:
Elizabeth Vandiver (Added alternative spelling of headword; raised status) on 1 September 2003@16:36:18.
David Whitehead (expanded note) on 21 April 2010@08:23:47.
David Whitehead on 11 November 2013@06:23:00.


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