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Search results for chi,267 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,267
Translated headword: Cheiron, Chiron
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A Centaur; [the one] who first discovered medical treatment with plants; [he wrote] an epic poem Advice (which he gives to Achilles); also Horse-Medicine -- hence his name Centaur.
Greek Original:*xei/rwn, *ke/ntauros: o(\s prw=tos eu(=ren i)atrikh\n dia\ botanw=n: *(upoqh/kas di' e)pw=n, a(\s poiei=tai pro\s *)axille/a: kai\ *(ippiatriko/n: dio\ kai\ *ke/ntauros w)noma/sqh.
Keywords: botany; chronology; epic; medicine; mythology; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 29 April 2003@08:32:27.
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