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Search results for chi,236 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,236
Translated headword: bird storm, bird tempest, fowl wind
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one that scatters birds upon the earth because of the cold blast; that is, an extremely forceful one, in which even birds perish.[1] It is also called a bird wind. Or [it is so called] because these birds appear during a storm, as
Aratus says.[2]
Greek Original:*xeimw\n o)rniqi/as: o( e)pi\ th\n gh=n ta\ o)/rnea storennu\s u(po\ th=s yuxra=s pnoh=s, toute/stin o( sfodro/s, e)n w(=| kai\ ta\ o)/rnea fqei/retai. le/getai de\ kai\ a)/nemos o)rniqi/as. h)\ o(/ti ta\ o)/rnea tau=ta xeimw=nos fai/netai, w(s *)/aratos fhsi/.
From the
scholia to
Acharnians 876-7, where the headword phrase appears (web address 1).
o)rniqi/as cf.
omicron 612, and see generally LSJ s.v. (web address 2).
[1] Alternatively, "are driven off course."
[2] Adler cites line 1077 of the
Phaenomena of
Aratus [
alpha 3745] for this. See also 1024-25, where signs of a coming storm include "all kinds of birds flying in from the sea" and 1031-32, "and up above long lines of cranes do not maintain a steady course, but wheeling round return back home" (translations, D.A. Kidd).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; daily life; poetry; proverbs; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: Mary Pendergraft on 21 July 2000@16:13:50.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (supplemented translation; augmented and rearranged notes; added keywords) on 7 August 2002@06:45:45.
Catharine Roth (betacode cosmetics) on 7 January 2009@00:33:38.
Catharine Roth (upgraded links, added keyword) on 22 August 2013@20:24:26.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 11 November 2013@04:20:57.
Catharine Roth (reordered notes) on 13 May 2023@01:26:45.
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