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Search results for chi,234 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,234
Translated headword: winter
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [
*xeimw/n, genitive]
Winter is the air above the earth that is frozen because of the departure of the sun.
Homer [says]: "they fled winter".[1] [He is speaking] about the cranes.[2] He is referring not to the winter-time situation, but to the wintry place, Thrace. For they do not leave because the winter has begun, but because it is expected.
Greek Original:*xeimw/n, xeimw=nos. *xeimw\n de/ e)stin o( u(pe\r gh=s a)h\r kateyugme/nos, dia\ th\n tou= h(li/ou pro/sw a)/fodon. *(/omhros: xeimw=na fu/gon. peri\ gera/nwn. le/gei de\ ou) th\n xeimerinh\n kata/stasin, a)lla\ to\n xeimerino\n to/pon, th\n *qra/|khn. ou) ga\r e)nsta/ntos xeimw=nos feu/gousin, a)lla\ prosdoki/as ou)/shs.
For the headword see also
chi 235; cf.
Hesychius, ps.-
Etymologicum Gudianum and
Etymologicum Magnum s.v.
The first substantive part of the entry, in which
xeimw/n is defined, is quoted from
Diogenes Laertius,
Lives of the Philosophers 7.151, where it is attributed to the Stoic
Chrysippus (fr. 693).
The subsequent part, with the Homeric quotation and its explanation, is quoted from Aristonicus'
scholia to the verse.
Iliad 3.4 (web address 1); fully quoted in Apollonius'
Homeric Lexicon, s.v.
[2] In a simile; cf.
gamma 183.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; imagery; philosophy; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 26 November 2007@12:57:07.
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