[Meaning ones] able to deceive.[1]
Candidus [writes]: "having picked out the more difficult men and assigned public [monies?] to them he persuaded them as a result of this even to yield to the governors of the provinces".[2]
*xalepwta/tous lo/gous: kle/yai duname/nous. *ka/ndidos: e)kleca/menos tou\s xalepwte/rous kai\ sfi/si ta\ dhmo/sia nei/mas e)/peisen e)c e)kei/nou kai\ toi=s tw=n e)parxiw=n a)/rxousin u(pei/kein.
[1] From the
scholia to
Birds 539, where the headword phrase (accusative plural) occurs. See also, in general,
chi 16,
chi 18,
chi 19.
[2] Gaisford connected this material with
Cassius Dio 73.17.1, the L.Vespronius
Candidus who features in the imperial machinations of 193 CE (i.e. no colon here, but rather include the name in the quotation); however, as Adler says, it is perhaps better regarded as an overlooked fragment of
Candidus the Isaurian historian of the fifth century CE, FGrH 748 (for whom cf.
chi 245).
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