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Search results for chi,185 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,185
Translated headword: chelidon; Chelidon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A sort of fish.[1]
Chelidon is also a name for the [sc. sexual] part of women;[2] and the hollow of the hoof of horses; some also [apply it to] the same part of dogs; and a Peloponnesian silver coin. The [part of] a man called the
chelidon is that which is above the elbow, below the joint. And Chelidon is also said to be the ship which conveyed the men [going] into Massalia.[3] And [the name of] a certain soothsayer of old.
And [the name of]
Greek Original:*xelido/nas: i)xqu\s poio/s. le/getai *xelidw\n kai\ tw=n gunaikw=n to\ mo/rion: kai\ to\ koi=lon tw=n i(/ppwn th=s o(plh=s: e)/nioi kai\ tw=n kunw=n to\ au)to\ me/ros: kai\ no/misma de\ a)rgurou=n *peloponnhsiako/n. kalei=sqai de\ xelido/na kai\ tou= a)nqrw/pou to\ a)/nwqen tou= a)gkw=nos, to\ kata\ ta\s kampa/s. le/getai de\ *xelidw\n kai\ h( nau=s h( tou\s ei)s *massa- li/an diakomi/sasa. kai\ xrhsmolo/gos de/ tis tw=n pa/lai. kai\ o( *kleopa/tras ki/naidos.
Same material, variously, in
Hesychius and elsewhere.
[1] A flying-fish, according to LSJ s.v., which should be consulted on the several impersonal meanings of the word
chelidon about to be listed.
[2] See on this J. Henderson,
The Maculate Muse (New Haven 1975) 147.
[3] For Massalia see generally
mu 242.
[4] Already under
kappa 1634, q.v.
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; gender and sexuality; geography; history; religion; trade and manufacture; women; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 1 December 2000@16:21:54.
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