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Headword: *xairhdo/nos
Adler number: chi,169
Translated headword: of joyfulness
Vetting Status: high
Of joy. Accented like a)lghdo/nos ["of painfulness"]; for as from a)lgw= ["I am in pain"], future a)lgh/sw ["I will be in pain"] [comes] a)lghdw/n, [genitive] a)lghdo/nos ["painfulness"], so from xairh/sw ["I will rejoice"] [comes] xairhdw/n, [genitive] xairhdo/nos ["joyfulness"].
Greek Original:
*xairhdo/nos: xara=s. tw=| to/nw| de\ w(s a)lghdo/nos: w(s ga\r a)po\ tou= a)lgw= a)lgh/sw me/llontos a)lghdw/n, a)lghdo/nos, ou(/tw kai\ a)po\ tou= xairh/sw xairhdw/n, xairhdo/nos.
*xairhdw/n is a word that seems to have been coined by Aristophanes (Acharnians 4; web address 1), probably on the model of its near-antonym a)lghdw/n (and possibly of some other similarly formed nouns, all denoting unpleasant feelings of one kind or another; see Olson 66). Dover (228) and Olson both regard the word as a hapax, but we know it was used in at least one other passage (whether by Aristophanes or someone else), since Hesychius (chi21) cites and defines it in the accusative case. The present entry is identical with a surviving scholion on Acharnians 4.
Dover, Kenneth J. "The Style of Aristophanes." Greek and the Greeks. Collected Papers, Vol. I: Language, Poetry, Drama.. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987. 224-36.
Olson, S. Douglas. Aristophanes: Acharnians. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; poetry
Translated by: Alan Sommerstein on 29 September 2003@12:00:15.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added betacoding; other cosmetics) on 30 September 2003@03:40:04.
Elizabeth Vandiver (Added link) on 30 September 2003@11:57:06.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 5 October 2013@00:24:21.


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