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Search results for chi,162 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,162
Translated headword: cheers, hail, take joy
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This is a greeting of those who are leaving or even arriving; it is placed at the beginning of letters.[1]
"Cheers", a salutation. Some consider it to be placed late in letters; in this way simply to correspond with each other as Amasis said these things to
Eubulus the comic [playwright] said that Kleon was the first to write a letter this way to the Athenians [sc. who had returned safely] from Sphakteria,[3] at which he was also quite pleased, [
Eubulus] not knowing that the ancients had used [this word] and had thus greeted one another, not only when first they met (as we do) but also on taking leave from one another, instead of "good health"[4] and "be well" they bade one another to "take joy".
Greek Original:*xai/rein: tou=to e)sti\ prosago/reusis a)pallassome/nwn h)\ kai\ proserxome/nwn: e)ti/qeto de\ kat' a)rxa\s tw=n e)pistolw=n. *xai/rein, pro/srhma. o)ye\ tai=s e)pistolai=s prosteqh=nai/ tines nomi/zousin: a(plw=s d' ou(/tws a)llh/lois e)piste/llein, oi(=on *)/amasis *polukra/tei ta/de le/gei. prw=ton de\ *kle/wna fhsi\n *eu)/boulos o( kwmiko\s ou(/tws e)pistei=lai toi=s *)aqhnai/ois a)po\ *sfakthri/as, e)f' w(=| kai\ u(perhsqh=nai: a)gnow=n, o(/ti kai\ oi( palaioi\ e)xrw=nto kai\ proshgo/reuon ou(/tws a)llh/lous, ou) mo/non to\ prw=ton e)ntugxa/nontes, w(s h(mei=s, a)lla\ kai\ dialuo/menoi a)p' a)llh/lwn, a)nti\ tou= u(giai/nein kai\ e)rrw=sqai, xai/rein diekeleu/onto a)llh/lois.
The headword is the present active infinitive of
xai/rw, a form probably quoted from contexts of indirect discourse in
Aristophanes (see n. 3 below). The usual usage as described in this entry was in the imperative:
xai/re in the singular and
xai/rete in the plural. See also
chi 164,
chi 165.
[1] cf.
Appendix Proverbiorum 5.20.
[2] cf. generally
Herodotus 3.40.
[3] cf.
Moeris 213.31,
Thomas Magister 398.6, the
scholia to
Clouds 609 (web address 1 below) and
Wealth [
Plutus] 322 (web address 2 below). For Kleon (and Sphakteria, 424 BCE) see generally
kappa 1731.
[4] Compare the Modern Greek greeting
u)gi/a sou/
sas, a shortened form of
sth\n u)gi/a sou/
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; proverbs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 18 March 2008@13:56:13.
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