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Search results for chi,158 in Adler number:
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Headword: *xairefw=n
Adler number: chi,158
Translated headword: Chairephon, Chaerephon
Vetting Status: high
Athenian, from the deme Sphettos,[1] philosopher, disciple of Socrates.[2]
Greek Original:
*xairefw=n: *)aqhnai=os, tw=n dh/mwn *sfh/ttios, filo/sofos, *swkra/tous a)kousth/s.
See also chi 159, chi 160.
[1] For Sphettos see generally sigma 1743, sigma 1744.
[2] For Socrates see generally sigma 829, sigma 830. Plato mentions Chaerephon a number of times in his works (especially in "Socratic" dialogues such as Apology, Charmides, and Gorgias). In Apology 20E-21A, for instance, the Platonic Socrates presents Chaerephon as his "friend from youth and a friend of the democratic majority". Chaerephon is the person who went to Delphi to ask the oracle whether anyone was wiser than Socrates. Plato describes Chaerephon like an “eager and impetuous person” (Apology 21A) and like someone “disposed to madness” (Charmides 153B).
Keywords: biography; geography; philosophy
Translated by: Joseph Wrightson on 29 April 2000@17:23:25.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 2 July 2002@05:45:37.
Marcelo Boeri (Expanded note 2.) on 16 July 2003@15:36:31.
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 7 August 2011@10:03:35.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 19 February 2015@00:44:56.


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