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Adler number: chi,12
Translated headword: Chaldean rituals
Vetting Status: high
Translation: As
Proclus[1] was puzzled by Isidore's imitations of birds and their voices and sounds sometimes during the Chaldean rituals, he himself demonstrated the way of imitation of the fluttering of other [birds including] sparrows and domestic fowl, how they make a noise with their wings as they stir themselves up to take flight.
Greek Original:*xaldai+koi=s e)pithdeu/masi: diaporoume/nw| gou=n tw=| *pro/klw| peri\ tw=n *)isidw/rou mimh/sewn tw=n o)rne/wn kai\ tw=n fwnw=n tw=n a)phxhma/twn e)ni/as e)n toi=s *xaldai+koi=s e)pithdeu/masin, au)to\s u(pedei/knue th\n o(do\n th=s mimh/sews a)/llwn te kai\ strouqw=n tw=n mikrw=n tou/twn kai\ katoikidi/wn th=s pth/sews, oi(=a yofou=si tai=s pte/rucin e)geiro/mena pro\s to\ peta=sqai.
Life of Isidore fr. 200 Zintzen (127 Asmus, 59F Athanassiadi). The headword phrase, extracted from this, is in the dative plural.
chi 13.
pi 2473.
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; philosophy; religion; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 27 November 2005@00:58:36.
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