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Search results for beta,99 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,99
Translated headword: pit
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A certain well-like and dark chasm in Attica, in which they used to throw evil-doers; in this chasm there were hooks, some on top and some below.[1] There they threw the Phrygian [priest] of the mother of the gods on the grounds that he had gone mad, when he told them that the mother was coming in search of the maiden. The goddess then was angry and sent a blight of crops to the country; and when they knew the cause [of the blight] through an oracle they covered over the chasm and made the goddess propitious with sacrifices.
Greek Original:*ba/raqron: xa/sma ti freatw=des kai\ skoteino\n e)n th=| *)attikh=|, e)n w(=| tou\s kakou/rgous e)/ballon: e)n de\ tw=| xa/smati tou/tw| u(ph=rxon o)/gkinoi, oi( me\n a)/nw oi( de\ ka/tw. e)ntau=qa to\n *fru/ga to\n th=s mhtro\s tw=n qew=n e)ne/balon w(s memhno/ta, e)peidh\ proe/legen, o(/ti e)/rxetai h( mh/thr ei)s e)pizh/thsin th=s ko/rhs. h( de\ qeo\s o)rgisqei=sa a)karpi/an e)/pemye th=| xw/ra|: kai\ gno/ntes th\n ai)ti/an dia\ xrhsmou= to\ me\n xa/sma kate/xwsan, th\n de\ qeo\n qusi/ais i(/laon e)poi/hsan.
Keywords: aetiology; agriculture; botany; comedy; definition; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; medicine; mythology; religion; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 14 April 2002@17:47:47.
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