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Search results for beta,92 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,92
Translated headword: artisan, mechanic, banausos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] any craftsman working by a fire. For a furnace is a
Also, "[Caecilius] ordered the artisans from the
agora to bring missiles and stack them up outside at the foot of the wall."[2]
Greek Original:*ba/nausos: pa=s texni/ths dia\ puro\s e)rgazo/menos. bau=nos ga\r h( ka/minos. kai/, toi=s e)k th=s a)gora=s banau/sois fe/rein prose/tace be/lh kai\ paraba/llein e)/cw para\ to\n qeme/lion tou= tei/xous.
On banausoi cf.
beta 93, and see generally (e.g.) Alison Burford,
Craftsmen in Greek and Roman Society (London 1972) 25-6 and index.
[1] cf.
beta 194. This etymology is found in
Photius (
Lexicon beta56) and elsewhere.
Polybius 1.40.9, on the battle of Panormus (250 BCE).
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 26 July 2001@03:42:55.
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