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Search results for beta,86 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,86
Translated headword: pelting, smiting
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "[Pelting] Socrates[1] and
Zeno[2] with jokes out of Dionysiac festivals,[3] and judging their followers deserving to be driven out from the whole land and sea, as being banes of both cities and commonwealth; but now crowning and setting them up as an example of a noble and temperate life."
Greek Original:*ba/llwn *swkra/th kai\ *zh/nwna toi=s e)k *dionusi/wn skw/mmasi, kai\ tou\s u(p' au)tw=n a)ciw=n pa/shs e)lau/nesqai gh=s kai\ qala/tths, w(s o)/ntas kh=ras po/lew/n te kai\ politei/as: nu=n de\ stefanw=n au)tou\s kai\ para/deigma tiqe/menos bi/ou gennai/ou kai\ sw/fronos.
Keywords: biography; comedy; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 30 January 2002@13:50:24.
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