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Search results for beta,7 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,7
Translated headword: Babrias or Babrius; Babrias or Babrios
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [He wrote] Fables, or Iambic-fables. For these are in choliambs,[1] in 10 books. From the Fables of Aesop he produced his own in verse, specifically choliambs, adapting them from the original prose.
Greek Original:*babri/as h)\ *ba/brios: *mu/qous h)/toi *muqia/mbous. ei)si\ ga\r dia\ xwlia/mbwn e)n bibli/ois i#. ou(=tos e)k tw=n *ai)swpei/wn mu/qwn mete/balen a)po\ th=s au)tw=n logopoii/+as ei)s e)/mmetra, h)/goun tou\s xwlia/mbous.
Babrius, C2 CE; OCD(4) s.v. (p.218). The Suda is an important witness to the text of
Babrius, as it quotes many passages, often differing significantly from the manuscript reading.
Adler attributes this entry (repeated at
chi 402) to the epitome of the biographical lexicon by
Hesychius of Miletus.
Babrius' meter seems to have been influenced by Latin choliambs.
Editions: M.J. Luzzatto and A. La Penna (Teubner, 1986); B.E. Perry (Loeb, 1965); W.G. Rutherford, comm. (1883)
Keywords: biography; meter and music; poetry; zoology
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 6 September 1998@18:46:51.
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