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Search results for beta,66 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,66
Translated headword: date; head of the penis
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the genitals and a tool.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] ba/lanoi foini/kwn ["dates of date-palms"]. "They used to drink a wine from the palm date".[2]
And elsewhere: "the dates of the date palms, the sort that it is [possible] to see among the Greeks, were set aside for the servants, but those set aside for the masters were choice ones."[3]
Greek Original:*ba/lanos: to\ ai)doi=on kai\ to\ ye/lion. kai\ *ba/lanoi foini/kwn. oi)=non e)/pinon a)po\ th=s bala/nou th=s a)po\ tou= foi/nikos. kai\ au)=qis: ai( de\ ba/lanoi tw=n foini/kwn, oi(/as me\n e)n toi=s *(/ellhsin e)/stin i)dei=n, toi=s oi)ke/tais a)pe/keinto, ai( de\ toi=s despo/tais a)pokei/menai h)=san a)po/lektoi.
[1] From the
scholia to
Lysistrata 413 (web address 1 below), where the headword appears. See generally J. Henderson,
The Maculate Muse (New Haven 1975) 41, 119, 141.
[2] The date palm,
phoenix dactylifera; so called because the fruit is a crimson [
phoinix] to brown color when ripe.
Anabasis 1.5.10 (web address 2 below).
Anabasis 2.3.15 (web address 3 below); cf. already
alpha 2991 and
alpha 3381.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: agriculture; botany; comedy; daily life; definition; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; historiography
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 14 April 2002@11:16:48.
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