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Headword: *buza/ntion
Adler number: beta,588
Translated headword: Byzantion, Byzantium
Vetting Status: high
Byzantion in the reign of Severus, emperor of the Romans, was provided with a proper wall made of mill stone carved into rectangular blocks. There were seven towers stretching from the Thracian Gates down to the sea. If someone shouted or broke off a piece of stone in the first of these, it would echo and babble and cause the second one to do the same; and thus it would proceed through all of them.[1]
See more about Byzantion under 'Severus'.[2]
Greek Original:
*buza/ntion: o(/ti to\ *buza/ntion e)pi\ *sebh/rou basile/ws *(rwmai/wn tetei/xisto gennai/w| tei/xei pepoihme/nw| muli/th| li/qw|, e)s tetra/gwnon ei)rgasme/nw|. z# me\n ga\r h)=san a)po\ tw=n *qra|ki/wn pulw=n pu/rgoi pro\s th\n qa/lassan kaqh/kontes. tou/twn de\ h)/n tis tw=| prw/tw| e)nebo/hse/ ti h)\ li/qon e)/rrhcen, au)to/s te h)/xei kai\ e)la/lei kai\ tw=| deute/rw| tou=to poiei=n paredi/dou, kai\ ou(/tws dia\ pa/ntwn e)xw/rei. zh/tei e)n tw=| *sebh=ros peri\ *buzanti/ou platu/teron.
[1] For this second sentence cf. Cassius Dio 74.14.5-6; Hesychius of Miletus FGrH 390 F1 para.13; Cedrenus p. 442, 10-11 Bonn.
[2] sigma 181.
Keywords: architecture; chronology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; science and technology
Translated by: William Hutton on 22 April 2002@16:59:56.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note and keyword; cosmetics) on 23 April 2002@03:13:47.
Mehmet Fatih Yavuz (augmented note 1) on 21 December 2009@16:18:38.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 4 June 2012@06:45:38.


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