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Search results for beta,560 in Adler number:
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Headword: *brou/tides
Adler number: beta,560
Translated headword: Broutides
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] women who are called this,[1] such as Sibyls and prophetesses. They used to call all god-possessed women Sibyls.[2]
Greek Original:
*brou/tides: gunai=kes ou(/tw kalou/menai, oi(onei\ *si/bullai kai\ profh/tides. pa/sas de\ ta\s e)nqousiw/sas *sibu/llas e)ka/loun.
[1] Likewise in ps.-Zonaras. The headword is late and very rare.
[2] For Sibyls see further sigma 354, sigma 355, sigma 356, sigma 357, sigma 358, sigma 359, sigma 360, sigma 361, sigma 362.
Keywords: definition; gender and sexuality; religion; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 8 October 2002@14:08:27.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note; cosmetics) on 9 October 2002@03:53:42.
David Whitehead on 4 June 2012@04:20:47.
David Whitehead (another note) on 24 September 2015@03:20:22.


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