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Headword: *brouma/lia
Adler number: beta,556
Translated headword: Brumalia
Vetting Status: high
This was devised by Romus,[1] since he and his brother Remus, having been born as a result of fornication, were exposed and reared by a woman. It was [considered] disgraceful among the Romans to eat someone else's food. At drinking parties each guest would bring his own food and drink in order not to gain the reputation of being feeders-off-others. On account of this Romus invented the Brumalia, having declared that it was necessary for the king to feed his senate in the winter, when they enjoyed respite from war, starting with the alpha up to the omega, and he ordered the senate likewise to invite the soldiers. And when the soldiers were ready to leave, they used to play pipes starting in the evening so they would know where they would find their meal. And Romus devised this in atonement for his own outrage, giving the meal the name "Brumalium", which is 'to feed off another's goods' in the Roman language.[2]
Greek Original:
*brouma/lia: tau=ta e)peno/hse *(rw=mos, e)peidh\ au)to\s kai\ o( a)delfo\s au)tou= *(rh=mos e)k pornei/as geno/menoi e)cerri/fhsan kai\ para\ gunaiko\s a)netra/fhsan. o)/neidos de\ h)=n *(rwmai/ois to\ e)c a)llotri/wn e)sqi/ein. e(/kastos e)n toi=s sumposi/ois to\ i)/dion brw=ma kai\ po/ma e)ko/mize, pro\s to\ mh\ a)kou/ein a)llotriofa/goi. ou(= dh\ xa/rin e)peno/hse *(rw=mos ta\ *brouma/lia, ei)rhkw\s a)nagkai=on ei)=nai tre/fein to\n basile/a th\n e(autou= su/gklhton e)n tw=| xeimw=ni, o(/te h)remou=sin e)k tou= pole/mou, a)rca/menos a)po\ tou= a# e(/ws tou= w#, keleu/sas kai\ th\n su/gklhton kalei=n tou\s stratiw/tas. kai\ me/llontes oi( stratiw=tai a)pie/nai, hu)/loun a)f' e(spe/ras pro\s to\ gnw=nai o(/pou trafh/sontai. kai\ tou=to e)peno/hse pro\s to\ a)pallagh=nai th=s u(/brews e(autou= o( *(rw=mos kale/sas to\ o)/noma tou= a)ri/stou *broumaliou/m, o(/ e)sti *(rwmai+sti\ e)k tw=n a)llotri/wn trafh=nai.
George the Monk, Chronicon 1.22.23-1.23.19.
[1] i.e. Romulus; cf. rho 133, rho 251.
[2] A false statement, as the name of the festival is clearly related to Latin bruma (shortest day, winter solstice) [from brevis] 'winter', 'storm'). The author is perhaps thinking of Greek homophones: brw=ma ('food') + a)/llos ('another').
Keywords: aetiology; Christianity; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; military affairs; meter and music; mythology; religion; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 19 October 2002@09:13:32.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note, x-refs, keyword; cosmetics) on 20 December 2002@06:40:25.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 13 December 2005@07:56:44.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 4 June 2012@04:14:57.
Catharine Roth (tweak) on 17 August 2012@22:06:53.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 17 August 2012@22:07:57.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 24 September 2015@03:09:25.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 5 March 2016@23:16:22.


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