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Search results for beta,549 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,549
Translated headword: thunder
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Noise of clouds [resulting] from friction or bursting.[1]
There is also a particular [stage-]device, which used to be called a thunderbox [bronteion]. Beneath the stage building was a pitcher full of small pebbles from the beach; and there was a bronze cauldron, into which the pebbles were poured and by their rolling around produced a sound like thunder.[2]
Greek Original:*bronth/: nefw=n yo/fos e)k paratri/yews h)\ r(h/cews. e)/sti de\ kai\ mhxa/nhma/ ti, o(\ e)kalei=to brontei=on. u(po\ th\n skhnh\n de\ h)=n a)mfiforeu\s yhfi=das e)/xwn qalatti/as: h)=n de\ le/bhs xalkou=s, ei)s o(\n ai( yh=foi kath/gonto kai\ kulio/menai h)=xon a)pete/loun e)oiko/ta bronth=|.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; history; philosophy; science and technology; stagecraft; trade and manufacture; tragedy
Translated by: Sean M. Redmond on 8 October 2001@11:58:59.
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