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Search results for beta,536 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,536
Translated headword: Brennos, Brennus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: So when Camillus returned after the capture of Rome and destroyed the barbarians who were following Brennos, he brought the case to court and proved that Februarius was responsible for all that had been done.
Greek Original:*brh=nnon: w(s ou)=n meta\ th\n a(/lwsin th=s *(rw/mhs e)panh=lqen o( *ka/millos kai\ tou\s peri\ to\n *brh=nnon barba/rous a)nei=len, ei)s kri/sin a)gagw\n th\n u(po/qesin a)pe/deice pa/ntwn gegone/nai tw=n pepragme/nwn ai)/tion to\n *febroua/rion.
An excerpt from the middle of
phi 184 (Februarius), appearing as an intrusive gloss (so Adler) in ms G.
The headword, extracted from the passage, is accusative case of this name.
Keywords: biography; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; law; military affairs
Translated by: William Hutton on 22 October 2002@10:48:18.
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