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Search results for beta,523 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,523
Translated headword: arm
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Figuratively [this represents] ability,[1] since humans naturally do work with it.
David: "that the arms of the sinful will be shattered."
Greek Original:*braxi/wn: tropikw=s h( du/namis, e)peidh\ di' au)tou= e)rga/zesqai pefu/kasin oi( a)/nqrwpoi. *dabi/d: o(/ti braxi/ones a(martwlw=n suntribh/sontai.
Theodoret (PG 80, 1129c) on Psalm 36:17 LXX.
[1] Or: power.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; ethics; imagery; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 21 October 2002@22:11:00.
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