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Search results for beta,507 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,507
Translated headword: pasturers
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] shouters,[1] herdsmen.
Also 'bestowers'.[2]
In the Epigrams: "the one that was destroying the pasturage and the folds of cattle and the pasturer men, and who trembled not at the clamor of dogs ... he slew and hung from this pine."[3]
Greek Original:*bw/tores: boh/tores, nomei=s. kai\ dw/tores. e)n *)epigra/m- masi: to\n nomi/hn kai\ e)/paula bow=n kai\ bw/toras a)/ndras sino/menon klagga/n t' ou)xi\ tre/santa kunw=n pe/fne kai\ e)k tau/tas e)kre/mase pi/tuos.
[1] Perhaps instead of
boh/tores ('shouters') -- obelized by Theodoridis in
Photius s.v. -- this gloss should be
both=res ('pasturers') or
boskh/tores (as in the
Etymologicum Genuinum, championed by Dindorf); however, it might be an attempt at an etymology for the headword.
[2] This phrase,
kai\ dw/tores, occurs only in a minority of the manuscripts, Adler reports, and may be included in them simply for the noun's similarity in form with the headword; cf.
delta 1486 (where Doter is a proper name).
Greek Anthology 6.262.1-2, 4 (
Leonidas of
Tarentum), a cattleman dedicates spoils from a marauding animal; cf. Gow and Page (vol. I, 122-123) and (vol. II, 357). Gow and Page suggest (ibid.) that the dedication is probably to Pan and that the predatory animal in question, not named by the epigrammatist, is almost certainly a wolf.
A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page, eds., The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams, vol. I, (Cambridge, 1965)
A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page, eds., The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams, vol. II, (Cambridge, 1965)
Keywords: botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; mythology; poetry; religion; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 24 October 2002@09:13:08.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (augmented notes) on 24 October 2002@11:03:16.
David Whitehead (augmented note; cosmetics) on 26 October 2002@09:09:58.
David Whitehead (expanded note) on 3 June 2012@07:53:17.
David Whitehead (coding and other cosmetics) on 23 September 2015@09:02:47.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.3, added bibliography, added keyword) on 7 April 2021@16:46:26.
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