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Search results for beta,50 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,50
Translated headword: staff
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] rod/stick.[1]
Lysimachus] who has now exchanged his panoply for the staff of an old man."[2] It is also called
skepanion ["little rod"]. "Instead of a plectrum, I [Eumolpus] support my trembling hands with a little rod."[3]
Greek Original:*ba/ktron: r(a/bdos. ghrale/on nu=n a)nti\ panopli/hs ba/ktron a)meiya/menos. le/getai kai\ skhpa/nion. a)nti\ de\ plh/ktrou, skhpani/w| tromera\s xei=ras e)reisa/meqa.
Likewise in ps.-
[1] Similarly in
Greek Anthology 6.81.5-6 (Paul the Silentiary) a retired soldier dedicates his armor to Ares. Find further excerpts from this epigram at
alpha 1136,
epsilon 178, and
chi 377.
Greek Anthology 6.83.5-6 (Macedonius the Consul) a retired musician dedicates his lyre to Apollo.
Keywords: daily life; definition; medicine; military affairs; meter and music; poetry; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 29 January 2002@18:45:48.
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