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Search results for beta,482 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,482
Translated headword: BĂ´los, Bolus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of
Mendes, a Pythagorean. [He wrote]
Concerning the accounts which have come down to our attention from readings,
Concerning marvels,
Potent Remedies -- it is with regard to sympathies and antipathies of stones in alphabetical order;
Concerning the signs of the sun and the moon and the bear and lamp and the [lunar] rainbow.
Greek Original:*bw=los, *mendh/sios, *puqago/reios. *peri\ tw=n e)k th=s a)nagnw/sews tw=n i(storiw=n ei)s e)pi/stasin h(ma=s a)go/ntwn, *peri\ qaumasi/wn, *fusika\ dunamera/: e)/xei de\ peri\ sumpaqeiw=n kai\ a)ntipaqeiw=n li/qwn kata\ stoixei=on: *peri\ shmei/wn tw=n e)c h(li/ou kai\ selh/nhs kai\ a)/rktou kai\ lu/xnou kai\ i)/ridos.
Mendes in Egypt, he lived during the third century BCE and wrote on magic and pharmacology. He is now thought to be the same person as Bolus the Democritean (
beta 481): see OCD(4) p.239.
Keywords: biography; geography; medicine; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 11 June 2002@00:16:01.
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