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Adler number: beta,458
Translated headword: seventh ox
Vetting Status: high
Translation: One having[1] pastry horns in imitation of the first phase moon. They used to call this an ox and set it up as the seventh, because this seventh used to be one of the sacrifices at the six moons, as
Euthycles [says] in
Atalanta.[2] Likewise also the "moons" [are] broad pastry circles, which they also used to call thus. It is [mentioned] in
Euripides in
Erechtheus[3] and in
Achaeus in
Iris.[4] The proverb is applied to those who are excessively unfeeling.
Also [sc. attested is the proverbial phrase] "sea ox" [
bous enalios], in reference to people/things that serve no purpose.[5]
Greek Original:*bou=s e(/bdomos: pe/mmata ke/rata e)/xonta kata\ mi/mhsin th=s prwtofaou=s selh/nhs. e)ka/loun de\ au)to\ bou=n prostiqe/ntes kai\ to\ e(/bdomon, o(/ti e)pi\ e(\c tai=s selh/nais e)pequ/eto ou(=tos e(/bdomos, w(s *eu)quklh=s e)n *)atala/nth|. o(moi/ws de\ kai\ ai( selh=nai pe/mmata plate/a kukloterh=, a(\ kai\ ou(/tws e)ka/loun. e)/sti de\ para\ *eu)ripi/dh| e)n *)erexqei= kai\ par' *)axaiw=| e)n *)/iridi. ta/ttetai de\ h( paroimi/a e)pi\ tw=n a)/gan a)naisqh/twn. kai\ *bou=s e)na/lios, e)pi\ tw=n mhde\n xrhsimeuo/ntwn.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; food; proverbs; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 5 June 2002@20:36:35.
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