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Search results for beta,451 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,451
Translated headword: Volsci
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The Volsci made war against the Romans, and suffered many casualties and lost the most famous cities of their nation, when Marcius [Coriolanus], a young man illustrious among the Romans, charged into the midst of his enemies, but then rushed inside the gates with the fugitives and opened the entrance to his countrymen. For these deeds he was honored by the monarch with many goods and many prisoners of war, but he rejected [these] other things and was content with a garland for valour and a warhorse; and he asked for one of the prisoners of war who was his friend and set him free.
Greek Original:*bouolou=skoi: o(/ti *bouolou=skoi po/lemon kata\ *(rwmai/wn e)ch/geiran kai\ polloi=s zhmiou=ntai sw/masi kai\ po/leis e)pifanesta/tas tou= sfete/rou ge/nous a)poba/llousi, *marki/ou ne/ou para\ *(rwmai/ois e)pifanou=s w)same/nou e)s me/sous tou\s polemi/ous, suneispeso/ntos de\ pulw=n e)nto\s toi=s feu/gousi kai\ a)napeta/santos toi=s oi)kei/ois th\n ei)/sodon. e)f' oi(=s polloi=s me\n xrh/masi, polloi=s de\ sw/masin ai)xmalw/tois pro\s tou= mona/rxou timw/menos ta\ me\n a)/lla diwqh/sato, h)rke/sqh de\ stefa/nw| te a)ristei/w| kai\ i(/ppw| polemisthri/w|: kai\ tw=n ai)xmalw/twn e(/na to\n au(tou= fi/lon ai)th/sas a)fh=ken e)leu/qeron.
kappa 2092,
mu 210 (end),
mu 211. The transliteration 'Bouolouskoi' is unique to the Suda, which seems to have conflated the two attested spellings
*ou)olou=skoi (
Dionysius of Halicarnassus) and
*bolou=skoi (Appian).
On this alleged episode (of 493 BCE) see OCD(4) p.897, s.v. Marcius Coriolanus. The source of the Suda's account of it is unidentifiable.
On the Volsci (again at
omicron 923) in general -- usually considered to have been migrants into southern Latium from the central Appenines -- see OCD(4) s.v. (p.1563).
Keywords: biography; botany; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 5 June 2002@20:07:52.
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