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Search results for beta,444 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,444
Translated headword: ox-loosening [time]
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the late evening, when the oxen are let go from their tasks.[1]
Arrian [writes]: "and the battle became more vigorous right up until ox-loosening time."[2]
And elsewhere
Aelian [writes]: "and he did what was commanded; but the bird walked on both [feet] before ox-loosening time and flapped his wings and went a good ways and lifted his neck and shook his crest, just like a exultant hoplite, and demonstrated his consideration of foolish things."[3]
Greek Original:*bouluto/s: h( deilinh\ o)yi/a, o(/te oi( bo/es a)polu/ontai tw=n e)/rgwn. *)arriano/s: gi/netai ma/xh kartera\ e)/ste e)pi\ bouluto\n a)gxw/malos. kai\ au)=qis *ai)liano/s: kai\ o( me\n e)/drase to\ prostaxqe/n: o( de\ o)/rnis pro\ boulutou= e)p' a)mfoi=n badi/zwn kai\ tw\ pte/ruge krou/wn kai\ bai/nwn makra\ kai\ ai)/rwn to\n tra/xhlon kai\ to\n lo/fon e)pisei/wn, oi(=on o(pli/ths gau=ros, th\n e)s ta\ a)/loga promh/qeian a)pedei/knuto.
[1] Likewise in other lexica, including Apollonius'
Homeric Lexicon, and cf. also the
scholia to
Odyssey 9.58, where the adverb
bouluto/nde occurs.
[2] Arrian,
Parthica p.29 Roos (FGrH 156 F132).
Aelian fr. 101e Domingo-Forasté, 98 Hercher (on an Asklepian healing).
Keywords: agriculture; biography; daily life; definition; epic; historiography; imagery; military affairs; religion; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 6 June 2002@20:58:00.
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