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Search results for beta,439 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,439
Translated headword: is starving
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he/she/it] is famished, is excessively hungry. From the adverb bou ["ox-wise"], which is indicative of intensity; as also in boupeina ["ox hunger"], [meaning] great hunger;[1] and bougaïos ["big bully"][2] and bouglôssoi ["big tongues"]. Some say [it is] a type of sickness, in which those who eat a lot are not filled.
Greek Original:*boulimia=|: limw/ttei, peinh=| li/an. a)po\ tou= bou e)pirrh/matos, o(/per e)pita/sew/s e)sti dhlwtiko/n: w(s kai\ e)n tw=| bou/peina, h( mega/lh pei=na: kai\ bouga/i+os kai\ bou/glwssoi. tine\s de\ ei)=dos no/sou fasi\n, e)n h(=| polla\ e)sqi/ontes ou) plhrou=ntai.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; imagery; medicine; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 6 June 2002@20:35:31.
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