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Search results for beta,436 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,436
Translated headword: he will wish even to be in Egypt rather than to make a bad judgment
Vetting Status: high
Translation: As [if] in reference to a curse; since Egypt used to be slandered as being infested by robbers. Or he wishes that he is as far away as possible, where rain will not harm him; since in Egypt he thinks that it does not rain. As
Herodotus [says]: "for then
Thebes was rained upon, never having been rained upon before."[1]
Greek Original:*boulh/setai ka)\n e)n *ai)gu/ptw| tuxei=n w)\n ma=llon h)\ kri=nai kakw=s: w(s e)pi\ kata/ras: e)pei\ w(s lh|steuome/nh dieba/lleto h( *ai)/guptos. h)\ bou/letai o(/ti porrwta/tw ei)=nai, o(/pou au)to\n ou)de\n bla/yei u(eto/s: e)pei\ e)n *ai)gu/ptw| dokei= mh\ u(/ein. w(s *(hro/dotos: u(/sqhsan ga\r to/te *qh=bai, ou)dama\ pro/teron u(sqei=sai.
The headword phrase quotes
Clouds 1129-30; comment from the
scholia to 1130 then follows. [alpha:
ka)\n e)n *ai)gu/ptw| tuxei=n w)\n ma=llon h)\ e)pei\ mh\ u(/ein dokei= au)to/qi, w(s *(hro/dotos. e)kei= ou)=n ei)=nai qelh/sei, e)/nqa mh\ blabh/setai e)k tw=n *nefelw=n, w(s porrwta/tw th=s patri/dos. h)\ w(s e)pi\ kata/ras: e)pei\ katara=tai. e)le/geto ga\r lh|steu/esqai h( *ai)guptos ("'to be in Egypt rather than': since he thinks that it does not rain on that spot, as
Herodotus [says]. Therefore, he will wish to be there, there he will not be harmed from the clouds, since [it is] as far away as possible from the fatherland. Or as [if] in reference to a curse, since it is cursed. For Egypt is said to be infested by robbers"). Beta:
w(s e)pi/ kata/ras, e)pei\ w(s lh|steuome/nh dieba/lleto h( *ai)/guptos. h)\ boulh/setai porrwta/tw ei)=nai, o(/pou au)to\n ou) bla/yei o( u(eto/s: e)pei\ e)n *ai)gu/ptw| dokei= mh\ u(/ein, w(/s fhsin *hro/dotos u(/sqhsan ga\r to/te ai( *qh=bai ou)dama\ pro/teron u(sqei=sai ("As [if] in reference to a curse, since Egypt used to be slandered as being infested with robbers. Or he will wish to be as far away as possible, where the rain will not harm him. Since in Egypt he thinks that it does not rain, as
Herodotus says: 'For then
Thebes was rained upon, never having been rained upon before'").]
[1] An approximation of
Herodotus 3.10.3; again at
upsilon 677.
D. Holwerda, Prolegomena de comoedia. Scholia in Acharnensis, Equites, Nubes [Scholia in Aristophanem 1.3.1 Groningen: Bouma, 1977]: 1-250.
Keywords: comedy; ethics; geography; historiography; religion
Translated by: Cindy Whitcomb on 16 May 2002@12:53:22.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (internal rearrangement; added keyword; cosmetics) on 17 May 2002@03:59:38.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 1 June 2012@07:44:45.
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